Main Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN2 3PF


Hackthorn Church Of England Primary School

A small school with a BIG heart.


Our uniform policy can be viewed here, which provides more detailed information about our school uniform: Uniform Policy

The school uniform consists of:

School sweat shirt*

School cardigan*

White polo shirt (either plain or with logo)

Trousers/Shorts (black or grey)

Skirt/Pinafore (black or grey)

Black Shoes (not trainers)

Plimsolls (for indoor wear)

Red Gingham dress (optional for summer)

Socks/Tights (either black, grey or white)

School PE T-shirt (Maroon)*

School PE Hoodie (optional)*

School PE Bag (optional)*

Outdoor PE shoes (trainers - black or dark colour if possible)

  • No jewellery must be worn apart from watches and earring studs (which must be removed for swimming).
  • Headbands should be discreet and in school colours only.
  • No outdoor shoes may be worn in the classroom. Children must change their footwear when they come indoors.
  • All children are required to have black shorts and maroon T-shirts for P.E. and suitable footwear for the sports area. 
  • Parents of children in KS1 will need to purchase a book bag in which to keep reading books.
  • Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name (not just initials).

 * School branded uniform should be purchased online from Uniform Direct

There is no requirement to wear branded items. Non-branded items are acceptable as long as they are school colours. 

The Friends of Hackthorn School have a large selection of good quality second hand uniform that is able to be purchased for a small cost. Please speak to Mrs Hartley for more details.