Whole school aims
To provide a sound education that will nourish the diverse talents of our children.
- To provide a happy, caring, secure and stimulating environment.
- To develop a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn.
- To create a sense of wonder, enjoyment and enthusiasm.
- To enable each child to realise their potential through high expectations and challenging tasks.
- To allow all children equal opportunities and access to an entitlement curriculum.
- To widen the children's horizons to enable them to live life to the full.
- To help the children to develop values that will guide them through the difficult decisions they will, inevitably, have to make in adult life.
- To encourage children to become responsible, self-confident and self-motivated.
- To develop qualities of respect, consideration and tolerance for others.
- To value every member of the school community, nurture self esteem and encourage caring and good humoured relationships.
- To create an atmosphere of partnership in education between children, teachers and parents.
- To maintain strong links with the local community.
- To offer a curriculum which is 'balanced and broadly based' which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development' of the pupils in our care, and which will begin 'to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life'.